Wednesday 22 January 2014

OUGD405: SB3- Page Layout

5 Double Page Spread

Using the information gathered in our research project and presentation we were now to organise and lay  it out across 5 double page spreads.  The intention had been to use our '100' theme to assist in dividing the information, present facts on one page, stats on another etc. However, due to the way I conducted my research I already had five nice little topics to work with.

and Others

The only problem I could see was layout concept. I wanted my design to be informed rather than pure visual but applying a concept that fit all five would be difficult so I pulled it back and decided to base the layout of each page based of how each vehicle/method of transport moves. For tracks I considered a two column style to mirror the tracks, the same with the runners I made sure to have parallel running paragraphs. For walking and Animals I tried to re create the feel of footsteps and the sway that comes with walking and finally for 'Other' I looked at the Sedan's handles and represented this with parallel paragraphs also. 

However, before I could start sketching ideas I went through my photographs and selected the 'eye grabbing' image I would be using on each page. It may seem like a bit of a cheat, but when it comes to layout I've always relied on large text and large images to help structure the rest of the design (as I mentioned briefly in SB3 context post) also it allows me to get a feel for how the eye will travel across the page, using large imagery and headers guarantees a smooth 'flow'. 

So I ended up choosing these three images from my photos and sourced the other two from the internet to produce my key illustrations.


So I began, with images in mind and illustrations being produced, to sketch ideas for my layout. I started with rough sketches, moved onto cleaner versions and then finally produced final sketches of all the pages along with bullet pointed bits of information I could see eventually going into the page.

Sketches Round 1

Sketches Round 2

 Sketches with assumed info.

Producing these was methodical and rather enjoyable, Illustrator, photographs and a Wacom tablet. It's easy to create nice looking doodles when your outlining a photo. 

Using In Design/Design Choices

Having used In Design before I was already pretty confident with most of the programmes features and honestly- although I'm sure many people say this. There were very few dramas when it came to the layout, all I did was follow the plan. 

(when it came to adding in the text there were a few sizing options, but honestly I love In Design because it's a frickin' piece of cake.)

The header font I chose, Franchise, is one I found just before Christmas whilst making a 'quote' poster. A few creative blogs argued that the font is a wonderful high-impact san serif, suitable for non-fiction works and campaign posters. I personally however chose it because it felt like a well designed Impact. The power and presence of the chunky typeface, however, the smooth and dignified corners Impact wishes he owned. It gives the page an eye grabbing feature without the sharpness of the glyphs corners poking you in the eye. It's also a bit taller than impact, and we know taller is always better. 

Interim Crit

I had been (if only slightly) concerned with the similarity of each page, and worried they didn't differ enough from each other (especially with Runner, Other and Tracks all relying on the same parallel paragraphs concept) also I was slightly concerned that the tone of the illustrations didn't lend much to the tone of the title font- although they both have thick lines I worried that the illustrations came off childish. I was also a little miffed about 'Other' page design, it just didn't click with the eye like the rest of my pages, and being honest with myself, despite the balance of text to image being right, they still felt a little dull. So I posed questions to the fellows of the Graphic design Level Four society. 

And they responded with gusto.

I was really, really pleased with the feedback I got, it was the first time that I didn't seem to get a 60/40 split in opinion or lots of people contradicting each other's ideas. I moved forward with set goals in mind- Play about with colour, Find another word for 'other'- a lot of people felt this was the reason the 'Other' page lacked something. 

Final Designs

How'd it go?

Well, I'm pretty confident with the programme In Design, so I found production enjoyable and easy, and I was very pleased with my designs (I know it sounds bad, but especially when I began comparing it to others, perhaps that's big headed but for me I think it's a relief that I consider my work on the same level everyone else's now). This crit was the first one where people made me happier about my work and not angry/disappointing- so that's a bonus.

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