Thursday 21 May 2015

OUGD505: Studio Brief 1- Evaluation

The reason I chose to produce a book in response to the issue of science denial was to find a way to make science exciting, interesting and not scary to the next generation of children who may otherwise go onto not trust science, facts and provable evidence and instead place their faith and belief into various false methods from psychics, homeopaths, astrologists and vaccine deniers. Although I only produced one book I can see a series being created in a similar style for many other questions including the ones I had spoken of in my proposal being an effective method of getting children  initially interested in science. However, I can see a few flaws in my books as well, would parents convinced in their belief of anti vaccination truly let their child read a book that could cause them to poke holes in that belief? Perhaps not. Are they truly engaging and interesting and suitable for a child? Perhaps not. When testing my book and letting others play around with the pop ups I found that I had to instruct them on what pop up does what and how to use each page, I think if I were to produce this book again I would include more instructions on each page such as 'turn this' 'lift here' etc. That aside I think it certainly is on it's way to being a successful product and if I were to start it again it could be, maybe with a different front cover though, I don't like the front cover.

I had a few problems when constructing the book. Although I had produced mock ups of the final design testing out how I would bind it and how each page would work, I still struggled to make it work properly when scaled up to full size. Binding the pages was awkward and wrapping the whole thing in a cover proved impossible, the book submitted in this folder is the third full sized book  produced having messed up the others in various ways previously. Although it didn't go perfectly and although there were issues I can say that I still did it well, this was a binding method alien to me and most other book binding technicians I spoke to so it was a leap into the unknown that for the most part paid off. Overall I do like the final book and I think I took on an ambitious project I may have been too afraid to do before, I finally have the confidence to do something bigger with my work and this is something I'd like to continue to do over the summer and start of next year.

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