Saturday 1 November 2014

OUGD503: Responsive- Penguin Brief Initial Ideas

I began sketching some initial ideas for the penguin brief I'd selected and came up with five different ideas. 

The first and second played on the 'freak' part of Freakonomics, the first idea had the title scattered with little monsters (the freaks) and the second idea would have a photograph of a circus freak (the one I had in mind was the dog faced boy).

The rest of the ideas looked at economic principles, numbers, many figures, graphs. After discussing my ideas with a few peers it was agreed that the graph idea was the strongest and I would have to find a way to tie the freak element into it.

I drew out a few more variants of the idea trying to use the line of the graph to make a tail. After showing my ideas to a few more people the bottom right idea was chosen as the strongest- it was commented by one person that the direction of the tail looked as if it was coaxing the reader to open the book.

I do like these ideas, however I feel using a line from a graph is a little obvious when one thinks of economics. I'll come back and develop these ideas further/come up with some new ideas after reading through the book- it may generate some inspiration and some more original ideas.

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