Friday 3 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 1- Feedback

Before heading into the crit today I realised something, my cover sucked ass. I was really embarrassed to present it and was thankful that my pages made up for that embarrassment.

I told people to ignore the cover and jus focus on the pages. I asked whether I should bind the pages or not, I also asked if they liked the concept and what could be done to improve the design.

The pages themselves were received with positive words, people liked the design and the whole concept tying them together. However one person mentioned that perhaps I should have the text running in reverse (feedback, development, ideas then research) to show how they build onto each other to create a full product.

On the matter of binding the pages and the folder it was suggested that I left the folder as a cover to keep the pages in and that I should stitch bind the pages together as leaving them loose could cause problems when the final product was being handled. 

Someone else said that the words and images looked like they were sort of floating on the page and that perhaps a border or a frame would improve this. 

It was also put forward that the words development and feedback looked very hand rendered and personal whilst research and ideas looked printed and that attempting to hand render type for these two words would make the whole thing look and feel more unified. 

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