Thursday 9 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 2- Logo Requirements

In order to gain a full understanding of what Pints of Cake stood for and write out successful requirements for the logo I decided to message the creator through their Facebook page.

The response was quick, still difficult to sum up quickly but very useful.

From this, as well as the kickstarter page, I wrote up a list of requirements for the logo, the key things that need to be communicated through the design are:
Art, pop culture, creativity and the idea of taking something known and presenting it  in an unfamiliar way (which the name itself kind of does).

The target audience will be creatives from all disciplines, fans of the current creative culture and all things  sub cultured and dripping with geekery. I feel the site will mainly attract students at first but this may not be the case in five years time.

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