Wednesday 1 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 1- Studio Session 1

Today we were briefed on our first project. The final outcome of this project is to produce a leaflet that describes our design process.

To begin we did a session on understanding what exactly the design process is. In small groups we brain stormed what we though the design process was and found it to be a combination of many different factors including ideas, research, feedback and development.

After writing all we could about it, we were told to condense the design process into a flow chart, however I chose to condense mine in the form of a list as I found my process to be rather linear as opposed to a series of flowing options. I also saw my design process as two separate stories, the expectation from staff, from professionals and what I also hope to/think I will do, and the reality of letting myself down, letting things slip and ignoring common sense, so i thought it was important to document both of these.

Example of flow charts

After we had done this the group was then told to emulate the flow charts in the form of folding paper: making the 2D chart into a 3D object. I felt it important to communicate the split I feel between my dreams and reality in relation to the design process and so I created objects that were very much separate, either with two mirroring sides or two completely different objects. I feel the two models that communicated my design process the clearest were the neatly folded origami flower and the screwed up paper ball: what I hope to achieve and what I end up with.

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