Thursday 16 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 3- Research

For our research the inevitable idea is to look at lots of examples of website. We were told while doing this to ask three fundamental questions for each website.

What is the Purpose?
Who is the target audience?
What are the audience needs?

We were also told to look at webpages with an open mind and write down the first words that came to mind without thinking as with so many webpages a person decides whether they will stay and browse in the first 5 seconds.

A couple of examples used in class were:

Leeds College of Art

Initial Words: abstract, grid, shapes, busy

What is it's purpose? To entice potential creative students to enrol at Leeds College of Art

Who is the target audience? Creative students, school/college leavers, parents (?)

What are the audience needs? To be excited about LCA, want to enrol here as a college or university student, to want to be on one of LCA's courses. 

Evangel Cathedral

Initial Words: American, overdramatic, cringe worthy, over compensation

Purpose? To convince people to attend their church and prayer meetings over other. To seek them for spiritual (Christian) all American guidance 

Target Audience? Christians, potentially trying to reach a younger audience- it won't work but I think they're trying to reach teenagers... especially with the electric guitar

Audience Needs? To want to attend their church and be keen and excited about going to the Evangel Cathedral. To believe their cathedral is the most exciting and the best.

From these examples, as well as others we then went on to find our own and continue with the initial words exercised as well as ask the three fundamental questions of web design.

I began by looking at a miss mash of general websites.


Initial Words: Busy, simple, organised, absorbent

Purpose?  To entertain/inform about celebrity gossip and shocking stories- lighter gossiper version of the news

Target Audience? Young people, gossip lovers, procrastinators and social networkers, people who are bored

Audience Needs?  To be entertained and the kill time, to be engaged in 'interesting' and 'shocking' stories.

 For Dummies

Initial Words: Busy, dull, text heavy, clean

Purpose? To teach people the basics on nay different topics, in a simple easily understood way

Target Audience? All ages, beginners (on any subject), people wishing to learn new skills/refresh forgotten skills

Audience Needs? To learn how to do something in an easy, simple to understand way.

 The Escapist

Initial Words: Bright, futuristic, grids, full

Purpose?  To entertain/inform users on all topics geek and subculture, including science and tech, table top, games etc

Target Audience? Fans of any of the subjects (table toppers, cosplayers, gamers etc), geeks and nerds, mostly male

Audience Needs? To be informed and entertained on all geek related topics, to keep up to date with news and informations from geeky niche markets.


Initial Words: Bright, clean, vectorised, simple, cold

Purpose? The inform people about current events, new discoveries and news updates in science in an easy to digest format

Target Audience? People interested in any scientific subject, people who wish to learn, time killers and procrastinators

Audience Needs? To be entertained/informed, given a brief summary, kept up to date and educated in scientific topics.

After browsing and analysing a variety of webpages I decided to look into webpages that focus around the area that my website would be based on: Charity and animal charity webpages.


Initial Words: Bright, clean, green, simple, children

Purpose? To encourage people to donate to the NSPCC, to inform people about the NSPCC's work

Target Audience? People wishing to donate to a charity, parents, families (I'd list the people that need the NSPCC like abused children or concerned adults however just because the charity supports them doesn't mean it's website is aimed at them)

Audience Needs? To understand the work done by the NSPCC, to be convinced to donate regularly

Blue Cross

Initial Words: Blue, simple, puppies, calm, cool

Purpose? To encourage donations and/or sponsorship or animal adoption, to inform viewers of the Blue Crosses work and offer advice to pet owners

Target Audience? Animal lovers, charitable people, pet owners, families

Audience Needs?  To be persuaded to donate, sponsor or adopt an animal, to be given information on pet ownership, to understand the work of Blue Cross

Bumble Bee Conservation Trust

Initial Words: Vector, white space, grids, floral, nature

Purpose? To inform and provide information about bumble bees and bumble bee conservation, to encourage donations for the charity, to educate people about bees and conservation work

Target Audience? Animal and nature lovers, charitable people, gardeners, families

Audience Needs? To understand about bees and bee conservation, be informed on charities work, be confined to donate money

Give Bees a Chance

Initial Words: Green, garish, clip art, clashy

Purpose? To persuade people to donate and to inform people about bees and charity work

Target Audience? Nature and animal lovers, families, charitable people, gardeners

Audience Needs? To be convinced to donate money, to understand about bees and their importance, to learn about bees and charities' work

After looking into and analysing webpages I decided to look into 5 different, recent web site design trends.


Skeumorphism is a form of design that tries to make something within a digital format resemble something from a  real world format. With this example here we can see that although this is a website, Team Fannypack have designed their website to look like a physical newspaper.

Flat Design

Flat design is very opposite to skeumorphic design, it is purely for a digital world and every looks, as the name would suggest, very flat- a bit like a vectorised image.

Single Page Websites

Single page websites have all their content on one page that you continuously scroll down making one, long page. They can have issues when it comes to being found on a  search engine.

Responsive Design

Responsive design is a form of digital/web design that works on multiple platforms. The pages are designed to work, and still look good on many different screen sizes from a large mac down to a phone.

Type Based Websites

Type based websites do what they say on the tin, they are websites that rely heavily on their typography to drive the look and design of the pages.

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