Monday 6 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 1- Evaluation

I found this project interesting, it felt weird getting back into the swing of things and I was stumped at one point as I had completely forgotten how to sketch a layout design, however it was useful to consider my design process whilst getting back into my design process. So as a welcome back to work brief, it was a good reintroduction.

Throughout this brief I felt that I was more disciplined and focused with my work, time management and dedication. Unlike last year where I felt consistently lethargic and desperate to get home, this year I came at this brief with a fresh and nice feeling towards hard work- it was a great reward to be on top of everything from blogging to design. That being said, I still feel like I could’ve put in more time and effort, especially in the ideas and development department.

My design and my product, I can say I’m happy with it but on reflection (as always) I do think I could’ve done more with some of my other ideas, at least to make it more personal to me. Seeing as in this brief the client was ourselves, I could’ve really played with language (making it more personal) and a more personalised concept. Honestly I don’t think my final product really represents me, it does have hints of my personality with the hand rendered type and the little illustrations but overall I think it’s too clean cut to be a true representation of my design process. That being said I did set out at the beginning of this brief with the intention of producing something cleaner than I usually do.

The cover is my favourite bit; I love the crease pattern and the type. This is a big high five worthy achievement for me seeing as I felt, when initially playing around with the idea of creasing paper and drawing out the lines, that I was really wasting my time. Goes to show that every seeming mistake can eventually turn into a happy accident.

So where can I improve for next time, and what I have I learnt from this project? Well experimenting and taking some risks in order to develop and play about with ideas is something I’m going to be doing a lot more of. Throughout the first year I was too scared to play around, as I was desperate to get it ‘right’, now I’ve got a lot more confidence in myself and feel I can finally experiment with my ideas and techniques. Allowing myself the time to experiment and develop ideas is another thing to continue working on. As I’ve previously mentioned my time management and focus have greatly improved from last year and this has allowed me the extra time to do some playing around, instead of rushing to the finish line at the last minute. If I can continue with this focus to my work and making extra time for experimentation I can only see my work growing as I continue.

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