Tuesday 21 October 2014

OUGD503: Responsive

This brief entails designing for external sources including competitions and live briefs. In total a minimum of five different live briefs are required.

So our first task is to search out and discover some different graphic design competitions and live briefs we are interested in as well as join D and AD, YCN and ISTD.

There are two briefs that I am currently interested in, the first is a book cover brief set by Penguin Books. I am most interested in designing a cover for the non fiction category. In my personal experience most non fiction book covers tend to be rather tacky and quickly put together and the book in question 'Freakonomics', one I have at home, is especially slap dash and doesn't appear to communicate anything about the book. So for me I feel like this would be an interesting challenge.

My second choice is working with students from Leeds College of Music designing either EP covers, creating logos or branding different students depending on their needs. I produced an email and a specific blog post outlining my intentions and giving a taste of what kind of a designer I am.

So far I've had two responses, one potential client looking for personal branding and a logo design and one not so potential client who's also looking for branding and a logo design but also wants some web design doing- a field I am 100% inexperienced in. I've emailed both clients back and am currently awaiting responses.

So far I'm still on the lookout for some more potential briefs, I want to check out D and AD's briefs once they go live and potentially look into doing a more corporate brief. Despite the fact that I haven't connected with any corporate briefs so far I can perhaps use my very 'out of the box, more comfortable designing for people and organisations with a soul' style to bring a completely new angle to a professional brief. It's always worth a shot.

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