Thursday 9 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 2- Studio Seminar

Today we were set our second brief of the year. This brief would be focused on branding and more specifically logo design. We were informed we'd be designing a logo for a kickstarter project of our choice and then demonstrating how this logo would work in several contexts. 

We were told to consider colour, typeface, reproductivity and adaptability the client needs and how the final designs will be perceived whilst designing our logo.

We kicked off the brief by being given a seminar on branding.

Branding: A brand is a set of associations that a person (or group) makes with a company, product, service, individual or organisation. Or, the full personality of an organisation or company.

Branding can lead to good or bad associations with a company. E.g. Burberry, known as a high fashion  British label, but also associated with the chosen wear of chavs in the mid 2000's.

A brand is essentially an attempt to harness and generate influence and control the associations linked to a company in order to help the business grow and perform better.

Although branding used to be about identity creation for a company it has now shifted into a world where brand sat tempt to emotionally with audiences to create a brand experience.

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