Thursday 16 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 3- Web Design

For this brief we were informed we would be using our summer project research in order to create a multi-page website that informs users with interesting facts, figures, observations, visual content and information we have gathered. 

The content of our research should inform the design and the tone of voice used in our website. 

We were also given a quick presentation on web design and websites in general. Something interesting I discovered from this is that I'm as old as the internet, and what the very first webpage looked like. It's still up and running: The First Webpage. We also learnt what certain web speak stood for.

HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language- the language used in the creation of webpages

HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol- The basis for the transfer of data across the world wide web.

URL: Uniform Resource locator- Used to reference web addresses and web pages.

CSS: Cascading Style Sheet- Markup language used for formatting.

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