Thursday 2 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 1- Experiments With Paper

I decided to attempt to use a scrunched up piece of paper as inspiration for a page layout. I started by scrunching and unfolding the paper.

I then drew lines over the main creases to create a rough pattern.

I then took this to the light box and went over the lines, straightening out and neatening them as I went.

The result was a rather pleasing looking pattern that suggested a creased and scrunched up piece of paper whilst remaining on a flat surface.

I then attempts to draw some layout ideas within the spaces created by the shapes, however I found this incredibly difficult and I wasn't particular happy with nay of the results. 

I also began to look into another folding style to make this creased look. I found out about a style called a tulip fold which divided the page into triangles and so I began to sketch some ideas for layouts using this stele, however I was incredibly uninspired and so gave up easily.

Later I attempted to fit text and image in the crease pattern digitally after scanning the pages into illustrator and stretching text to fit. This however looked awful and with the day fading by quickly with very little progression I decided to step back to my other idea of changing levels of opacity.

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