Thursday 9 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 2- Research

I began my research by looking through the Logo Design Workbook that was filled with examples and advice for producing logos. It discussed the ideas behind colour and symbolism as well as urging the design to think how they can make their logo seductive. As well as this it informed the reader to consider mnemonic value, how the logo is read, and visual systems.

I then read Logo Design Lovers article on the top ten ups for deigning a logo. The one that stood out the most for me was tip number ten, create a strong feature to make the logo stand out, not two, three or four, but one.

I then set off looking tint logo examples, firstly I did a generic Pinterest browse for exciting and original logo designs and ideas, however after that I looked into logos for creative blogs and creative collectives site similar to what I feel Pints of Cake will become. Although a lot of them were quite simple text logos there were some more creative types mixed in there. Either way I know what I want to produce will be rather different from all these designs, I'd also like to create an image based logo if possible as well for the possibility of t-shirt printing and different contexts of display. 

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