Friday 24 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 3- Seminar: Canons of Page Construction 2

Canons of Page Construction: Grids and Grid Fields 

Developers of different grids and grid fields include Tschichold, Vignelli and Muller Brockmann.

Today we looked at Muller Brockmann's grid system- based on the Van De Graaf canon learnt in the previous session. The Muller Brockmann grid field is one that contains many rules and mathematical principles, however unlike the Divine Proportions there is room for flexibility, interpretation and choice. in columns and rows.

The basic rule for developing a two column, three row grid within a Van De Graaf canon:

1. Determine the type area
2. Divide into 2 or more columns and separate columns with an intervening gutter
3.Divide text columns into 2 or 3 more fields
4. Determine type size and leading 
5. Insert 'empty lines'. Field lines must be separated in order to accommodate for gaps between images. Separate field lines- must be same width as 1 line of type and leading
6. Each field should contain a number of lines of type while each empty line should be able to contain a single line of type. Images placed on the adjacent column will perfectly align with type

Muller Brockmann fields in a Van De Graaf canon.

Following this very strict way of forming grids we had to search for grids within existing documents, either newspaper, magazine or book. This was my grid deconstruction from a double page spread in an I newspaper.

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