Thursday 9 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 2- Kickstarter Choice

I browsed a lot through kickstarter without joy. I really wanted a project I could personally connect with in order to gain the drive and passion needed to create a personal and well designed logo. 

Then I came across Pint of Cake.

Yes, you heard me, pints of cake. 

An idea spawned by the minds of Paisley and Lucas (pictured)

The tag line read:

"Creating an eclectic look at pop & art culture today through a unique collective of editorials, comics, illustrations, reviews & more!"

As I read through further and watched their video I felt a very strong excitement and connection to this project, even if I found it quite difficult to summarise exactly what they were attempting to do. However now I believe I can:

A website displaying collectives of editorials, reviews, illustrations, comics and more that together as whole take an eclectic look on pop and art culture of today. They want people who are passionate about what they do and already have a varied amount of contributors lined up for the website.

Although some have criticised my choice because it is so difficult to define what they want to achieve I still feel passionate about his project and to them I reply 'Have you ever seen It's Nice That? I bet that would be difficult to define, but it's still a popular site for inspiration and creativity.' 

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