Saturday 4 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 1- Further Developments

I began my further development by seeing if a more hand drawn version of the type for development and ideas would wot in place of the very computerised looking ones. I wanted to maintain the same thickness of the lines an the same length of the word so as to not ruin the final look when all four pages were layered together. However, I found that once I had created some type I didn't really like it. Although they may look computerised I still felt my original type choices were better suited to the final design and so I left it as it was.

I made some new pages again (this time allowing for a stitch bind along the left side) in the new order suggested to me. I think it really helps the overall clarity of each word when the pages are stacked together as conveniently the thickest words are at the back and the thinnest at the front.

Next came placing a border on the pages. I decided for simplicity I would only draw a frame on the first page otherwise it could prove impossible to line all the frames up later. However drawing a frame on even one page proved a Herculean task. Despite using a pen designed for drawing on acetate the lines kept smudging every single time I moved the ruler away. I had to create three feedback pages in total until I finally got it right and smudged free. 

I did enquire around the fashion department for a student who could stitch my pages together for me, however on that Friday I was informed that all the fashion students were briefed in the morning but had left in the afternoon. Although I was also told to come back on Monday morning when they should all be in again- so on Monday I intended to finally get my pages stitch bound together.

After completing the pages I set about the task of producing a new front cover. I still wanted to use the crease pattern I had previously created in some way- I still liked the concept and the work put into it even if I hadn't managed to use it successfully yet.

I thickened out the lines and repeated the image across the page creating a rather rorschach-esque style pattern. I decided to use grey as my main colour as black felt too solid and I wanted to represent the faded opacity of the back words as well as the colour of my thinner stocks. 

With my earlier cover I had attempted to make the text line up with the short fold as the whole thing was closed up- rather unsuccessfully I might add. I still wanted to produce this effect but this time I spent much longer measuring out each page of the fold and carefully placing my text ideas into the required space. 

Instead of using Ostrich Sans, as I had done for my first cover I chose to use Avenir Next- a font that as also used on one of the pages- but I thickened the lines of it out and used all capitals. 

I produced three versions of the new cover design with different text placements, although I preferred the second and third over the first layout I was uncertain which one to go with and so sought feedback from the other students I share a table with. The second design was chosen as the strongest, and I headed down to digital print to get the cover printed off for production. 

The new cover felt so much stronger than my previous design and being printed properly on very nice stock only added to its charm. The cover also lined up correctly with the fold, so it was nice to see my time spent measuring paid off. 

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