Wednesday 1 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 1- Folded Leaflet Examples

I decided to have a look around to see what kinds of folded leaflets exist out there and how unique you can be with a folded piece of paper and a design. I came across a series of variously printed concertina/harmonica leaflets, it appears this type of fold is a universal favourite of the graphic designer as it can contain a lot of information whilst still looking 'edgy'. 

I loved this design, it looks all edgy, angular and segmented. It's an excellent way of laying out a piece through fold, the folded edges create sections for text, colour and image to happily sit within. 

I just enjoy the interactive nature of this design, something always feels more real when you can play about and touch it. 

This little awkward design appeals to me as a non perfect chaos lover. The folds aren't perfect but it suits this particular style of design. There's also a wonderful playful element with this folded leaflet as it scrunches down into a fox, I just love that. 

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