Wednesday 1 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 1- Studio Session 2

During this session we explored different folding techniques. I found my inspiration by looking through a book called 'How to Fold' which listed instructions for creating lots of different folded items including envelopes, locking books, booklets and leaflets. I picked out some that appealed to me and attempted to create them for myself.

The first one was called a folder, it seemed incredibly simple however not measuring the lengths proved my downfall and it ended up looking incredibly ugly. Also the amount of information that could be presented in this type of booklet was minimal, although it looked as though designing a page for this fold would be easier than some.

The second design was also called a folder and was still a little tricky to get completely correct, however it turned out a lot better than the first folder due to scrupulous measuring. There was an issue with this design however, the paper I used was too bulky and so the folds keep springing open, so it would seem a change of materials is required to make this design work.

The third folded creation I made was called a self-locking pocket folder. It too required perfect measuring but was fairly simple to put together (with a little trimming of the edges here and there). As a design it can hold random bits of paper in it's pocket section, but it also seems there could be additional paper stapled to the inside cover to create a little booklet.

The fourth booklet I created wasn't one of the 'How to Fold' designs, in fact it's a simple piece of origami called a Bamboo Envelope and I learnt to create it from the origami website: Origami Instructions. This is a pretty little design that looks very ornamental. It has a good space for text and also a little pocket on the back. However this little booklet would be very difficult to design a layout for.

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