Thursday 23 October 2014

OUGD504: Studio Brief 3- Initial Ideas

For our initial ideas we have to create scamps- these are sketched out versions of how we want the final webpage to look. I have sketched out three different ideas all based around loose concepts of bees.

The first is based around the honeycomb shape. Hexagons and honeycomb will contain each of the page names and there is a possibility of having small bees dotted around (and animated to buzz or flap their wings slightly). When a link is clicked on a transition occurs, the honey combs divide and gather into the corners then the page content fades in into the new space created. The logo links back to the homepage. The complexity of this design may be far beyond my minimal/none existent coding skills.

The second idea is inspired by the bees stripes. In the corner a photo or image is present and in the other corner the logo for the webpage is shown. The links are in the centre, all in a parallelogram shape mirroring the spines of the stripes across the page. There is a transition between pages, when a link it clicked on the bottom right corner expands across the screen and then peels back again, when it does the clicked page is revealed. This may also take coding skills beyond my ability, and also the design feels a little obvious.

The last design is a single page website, as you scroll down each page lifts up to reveal the next page beneath it. This would alter the content slightly making the story of the site more fluid rather than separated into very different sections. This is also beyond my coding skills but anything I could code would be an incredibly boring website indeed. 

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