Sunday 22 May 2016

OUGD603: Armadilla- Evaluation

It was good to have another opportunity to work on a branding brief, I worked on this brief- as much as I could, in the same manner as I worked on my Smart Grid Consultancy brief. Working conceptually, not doing things for the sake of looking good and justifying my actions. This was a little harder when in a group but I still applied it where I could. I love what we've produced, I think the whole brand looks spot on and certainly beats the existing one, so I look forwards to sending the company the idea and seeing if they would like us to develop it further and help implement it.

As much as I like what has been produced for this brief there were some issues. We left the brief very late and so when we started it was already a rush, I felt with three of us it would be easy to accomplish, I was wrong. There was a definitive lack of balance when it came to work load and I felt some did far more than others, in fact there were several instances of specific members bringing up changes in designs or issues with layouts and logos far beyond the time when it would be appropriate and yet failing to accomplish their own tasks. If it hadn't been for two of us pushing through and taking up the slack nothing would've been produced. It's just another lesson for myself in the long run- don't work with friends. They make great friends and poor colleagues. 

On a positive note what we did manage to achieve technically understaffed and in such a short space of time was admirable. The catalogue took the greatest amount of work from conception to binding and I found myself pitching in to lighten the work load, but I think it's the strongest part of this brief and it takes the stationary I produced to the next level when you see them all together. I think my stationary worked well, and I had fun experimenting with a conceptual grid, something I hadn't tried before, it made something as simple as text placement mean something and I think this made the whole design stronger. 

If I were to repeat this brief again I would give the whole group more time and perhaps make a few adjustments to the members. I believe if we had, had more time and fully committed members this could've been a really fun brief, hopefully if the company asks us to develop it, it will be.

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