Wednesday 27 April 2016

OUGD603: Charity Promotion- Brief Readaptation

A lot of time has passed between when I last worked on the Ruff Edges brief to now and it came as quite an abrupt realisation that there is no way in hell that I can host, prepare and run an exhibition plus all the promotion, production and hassle that comes along with it. So I've had to have a drastic rethink with how I proceed with this brief using all the research and progress I've already put into it and come up with a deliverable and final result. 

I've decided to cut out the idea of a submission based exhibition and blend this brief with a potential company I want to start after I've finished university where I design and produce greetings cards and prints, only now I will produce designs whose profits go to charity to tie into the briefs charity promotion criteria. 

My new deliverables include a logo, both for the whole business and a re-adaptation of the ruff edges logo, a website and card designs with profits going to Dog's Trust. 

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