Monday 11 April 2016

OUGD603: Student Elections- Research Campaign Strategy

In order to produce a successful campaign I first needed to come up with a campaign strategy. Understanding my message fully and then figuring out how to translate it into physical work and action.

After reading through a couple of articles and guides I have managed to determine what is needed to produce a good strong campaign.

Aim and vision.
The first stage to a campaign is to address what it is I want to change and what I want to bring to the university. This can form as a list of problems, or aims and goals. I wrote out a quick list of aims that I intend to achieve, or ideas that I would like to bring to the university as a whole.

Following these initial visions and ideas now begins the narrowing them down and considering wether they are realistic goals. Alongside this we can also begin to consider an overall message as well as how these goals could be carried out.

Looking at what I want from the university it seems a lot of my visions can be broken into two groups, the largest of which seems to be involving student work. Including external/professional briefs, collaborations and getting everyone across the university more involved in other courses. I then started generating ideas of how these goals could be achieved and what would need to be done in order to achieve them.

In summary for my campaign I have three main points I want to address.

The first is collaboration. In order to create more cross course collaborations I would want to host two events across the year where students from across the university can meet and mix creating new connections and hopefully generating new projects and collaborations for the future.

I would also want to generate 'random' collaborations. A series of posters with forms attached would be placed around the college. Students world then mark off their course and interests and explain what kind of project they would want to do. They would then be matched with another student of similar interests from another part of the university creating a whole new connection previously not thought possible.

The second is external briefs. I would aim to contact as many local businesses, galleries, events and opportunities as possible in order to generate external briefs for all courses. Hopefully finding briefs that can provide students with real world experience will aid their development and produce a boost to moral. A lot of live external briefs are competition based and it can be difficult to get noticed amongst the hundreds of applicants so these varied types of external briefs are needed more and more.

The third is student led events. My aim is to connect students to their union and get them more involved the SU. I would want students who aim to create events, either for a brief or outside of uni, to come and do it alongside or with the union. Through us we could help them find venues, or contacts, and assist them in planning and promoting the event. Student ran events help expose the college and it would be wonderful to get involved and help any idea become a reality.

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